Eid ul Fitr prayer organised by Tamilnadu Tawheed Jam'ath was held in various parts of Kanyakumari Dist on 31.08.2011. Hundreds of men, women and children participated in this prayer which was held in open grounds(Eid Musallah) instead of Masjids as prescribed by Allah's Messenger (PBUH). Prayers were conducted soon after the sunrise.
There was tension in various parts of the district as the police rejected the conducting of Eid prayers in open areas. Atlast the true duas of our well wishers and the social works done by TNTJ in this district and its goodwill all over the state had created the situation conducive in for us, all praise to our Almighty. There was also continuous rain in the district on the eve of Eid.
Inspite of all these hindrances,flocks of people participated enthusiastically. This showed the true and complete belief in Allah that their duas will be answered and he answered the people's duas by postponing the rain by more than 12 hours.
The sermon was held by Moulavi Nizar Kabeer.MISC.
Eid ul Fitr prayer in a private ground, Thuckalay:
The sermon was held by Moulavi Zakaria Siraji.
Eid ul Fitr prayer in the beach, Thengapattanam:
The sermon was held by Moulavi Kabeer Mahzhari.
Eid ul Fitr prayer in a private ground, Thittuvilai:
The sermon was held by Moulavi Kader.
Eid ul Fitr prayer in a private ground, Kadayalumoodu:
The sermon was held by Moulavi Babul Hussain.
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